Home Shoreline News South Bruce Safe Communities compiles defibrillator map

South Bruce Safe Communities compiles defibrillator map

The map displaying where Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are available in Kincardine.


The South Bruce Safe Communities Committee has put together a new resource so locals know where to find the Automated External Defibrillator nearest them.

The project, co-led by the local health unit, shows an up to date list of AED locations in Grey Bruce, so residents can know if the space they’ll be using has the life-saving device available.

GBHU Health Promoter Kaela Sales says the map will also reveal any gaps in AED availability in Grey-Bruce and locations where new ones could be placed in the future.

A map of AED sites in Bruce County is available at brucecounty.on.ca/living/healthcare. AED locations in Grey County can be viewed at grey.ca/paramedic-services/pad.

According to the Health Unit, about 35,000 cardiac arrests occur in Canada each year, with about 80% happening outside of a hospital. One in 10 victims do not survive.

Performing CPR and using an AED on a person experiencing cardiac arrest can double their chances of survival.

Organizations, groups, and businesses with AEDs can add their locations to the local AED lists by emailing PAD@grey.ca (Grey County) or info@brucecounty.on.ca (Bruce County).

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