Home Shoreline News Today marks day that Rotary Club International was founded back in 1905

Today marks day that Rotary Club International was founded back in 1905

The date is now honoured every year becoming “World Peace and Understanding Day”.



The Rotary Club of Goderich shared word that today is the date of the first meeting of Rotary which led to the formation of Rotary International.

The date was February 23, 1905.

The organization is dedicated to humanitarian service as well as peace and goodwill throughout the world.

It was founded in Chicago, Illinois.

The date is now honoured every year becoming “World Peace and Understanding Day”.

There are currently clubs all up the Shoreline including Goderich, Kincardine, Port Elgin, Southampton, Wiarton and more.

You can find your local one by searching them on Facebook.

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