Home Shoreline News Unwanted Person Call Leads to Multiple Charges

Unwanted Person Call Leads to Multiple Charges



On Sunday April 2nd just after 10pm, Huron OPP received a report of an unwanted person at a business on Beech Street in Clinton.

Police were able to locate the subject of the compliant who had stolen a bicycle and fled the scene.

Officers were able to locate the bike and the suspect who was hiding inside a building they broke into.

The suspect was arrested and during a search, police found multiple pieces of identification which was reported stolen earlier in the day.

As a result a 35 year old of no fixed address was charged with multiple offenses including four counts of Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5000, Break and Enter, Theft Under $5000, two counts of Possession of an Identity Document, two counts of Failure to Comply with a Probation Order.

The accused was held in custody for bail.

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