Home Uncategorized Goderich to consider Waste Collection at Monday Council Meeting Oct. 16th

Goderich to consider Waste Collection at Monday Council Meeting Oct. 16th

They are considering renewing with existing provider at between 32 & 40 % increased cost over 3-year-term or looking for a new provider.



The Town of Goderich Council is preparing to consider its Curbside Collection Services at its Meeting next Monday afternoon.

The options being considered include maintaining the status quo in service with a 40% increase in cost due to increased amount being collection and costs associated with the collection, reducing bulk curbside collection to quarterly as opposed to weekly as it is now.

This would lower a possible increase under the current company to 32%.

The final option is the Tender Process.

The options sought would be organic & by-weekly solid waste collection, automated weekly solid waste collection, quarterly bulk item pickup, elimination of garbage stickers and user fees based on bin size.

Currently Goderich has around 3,600 homes receiving weekly curbside collection with a per bag fee of $2.

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