Home Shoreline News Bruce County Roads Pesticide Use

Bruce County Roads Pesticide Use



Bruce County is reminding residents pesticides will be used on county roads later this month.

The county says starting May 13th and going until the end of June, pesticides will be sprayed across a series of Bruce roads.

Roads being sprayed include: BR1, BR2, BR3, BR4, BR6, BR6E, BR7, BR10, BR12, BR15, BR19, BR20, BR22, BR23, BR28, BR30, and BR86.

The pesticides being used are registered under the Pest Control Products Act.

  • Navius FLEX Herbicide (Reg. #30922) containing the active ingredients Metsulfuron – methyl and Aminocyclopyrachlor.
  • Hasten NT Ultra Spray Adjuvant (Reg. #31760) containing the active ingredients Methyl and ethyl oleate (esterified vegetable oil).
  • ClearView Herbicide (Reg. #29752) containing the active ingredients Aminopyralid (present as potassium salt), and Metsulfuron-methyl.
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