Home Shoreline News ACW develops 10-year Parks & Rec Strategic Plan thanks to Trillium Grant

ACW develops 10-year Parks & Rec Strategic Plan thanks to Trillium Grant

The Long-term plan will support Council in making decisions regarding investment in recreation infrastructure & enhanced programming to improve the heaLth and sustainability of the community.



The Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh shared word of it developing a 10-year parks and recreation strategic plan thanks to a $57,500 Trillium Grant.

Huron-Bruce MPP Lisa Thompson was on hand yesterday to hear how thanks to the funding ACW is able to address the need for recreational programs and events, facilities, parks and trails and their delivery to residents.

The long-term plan will support Council in making decisions regarding investment in recreation infrastructure and enhanced programming to improve the heaLth and sustainability of the community.

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