Home Shoreline News Bluewater Finalizes Short-Term Rental By-Law

Bluewater Finalizes Short-Term Rental By-Law

It would require a license to operate at a cost of $750. They could also face restrictions of no 2 adjacent to another and alimit of 15% on a particular street.



The Muncipality of Bluewater Council has finalized a By-Law covering Short-Term Rentals in the area.

It will see the rentals requiring a new short-term rental license at a cost of $750.

In the first year of the program landlords must show proof that their rental existed prior to May 1st.

For rentals created after that time the restrictions include not permitting 2 rentals adjacent to each other on a street, and a street is capped at 15% short term rental.

Other requirements for all rentals include $2 million in liability insurance, a parking management plan, and proof of a septic inspection in the past 5 years.

Council is tentatively set to vote on approval for the Short-Term Rental by-law at its next council meeting.

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