Home Shoreline News Bruce County reminds Residents to Drive & Arrive Safe This Summer

Bruce County reminds Residents to Drive & Arrive Safe This Summer

Advise all roadway users they must travel safely, share the road and respect others. They offer tips for sharing the road and ensuring all are safe including motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians.



The Transportation & Environmental Services Department of Bruce County reminded the public today to practice road safety this summer.

They advise that all roadway users must travel safely, share the road and respect others. Things like not texting and driving, avoiding speeding & stunt driving as penalties are increasing for both, using proper signals & considering road conditions and obstacles when passing, and not veering for deer and other animals.

They offer other tips for sharing the road and ensuring all are safe including motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians.

For the full details of the advisory, you can visit the link below.


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