Home Shoreline News Bruce County to do a head count of black bears in forests

Bruce County to do a head count of black bears in forests



The County of Bruce are going to do a survey of the black bear population.

A motion was passed last week by the Transportation and Environmental Services Committee to allow for passive barbed-wire survey traps to be placed within County-owned forests.

The traps will be placed by technicians from the Owen Sound office of the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources, and Forestry.

In a news release, the County says the barbed wire hair trap surveys are recognized as the most robust field method used in estimating black bear populations.

The surveys will be conducted by trained field staff starting in mid-May and running until the end of June.

They say the survey stations will be placed away from high-traffic areas of the forest and poses no threat to the public.

The data collected will be used to estimate the density of bears in the area.


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