Home Shoreline News Huron Perth Public Health Holdling tdap Immunization Clinics tomorrow in Clinton &...

Huron Perth Public Health Holdling tdap Immunization Clinics tomorrow in Clinton & Stratford

The hours of the clinics at the HPPH Offices in Clinton at 77722B London Road and Stratford at 653 West Gore Street are from 10 until 4.



If your child born between 2004 and 2006 is in need of their tdap Immunization then the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance is holding an upcoming immunization clinic tomorrow in both Clinton and Stratford.

An appointment is required for them to be immunized.

The hours of the clinics at the HPPH Offices in Clinton at 77722B London Road and Stratford at 653 West Gore Street are from 10 until 4.

The ways in which you can book an immunization for your child born between 2004 and 2006 are available online at www.hpph.ca/schoolvaccines or by calling 1-833-753-2098.


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