Home Shoreline News Kincardine Harvest Dinner All Supporting Downtown Beautification

Kincardine Harvest Dinner All Supporting Downtown Beautification



All is gearing up for Lakeside Downtown Kincardine’s Harvest Dinner taking place in just a few weeks. Running on Harbour Street.

The dinner is a full 5 course meal all made by local restaurants served under the lights. Bar Down, The Bruce, West Coast Catering and Sundae Drift are among the local restaurants taking part complete with live music by TNT boom.

Amanda Goetz, Downtown Development Manager with the Kincardine BIA says an event such as this is great to support and promote everything local.

“I think it was just a way to showcase our local restaurants and get people out into the community and really take advantage of that beautiful view that we have on Harbour.” said Goetz.

Tickets are $140 for the meal taking place on September 26th.

Tickets are only available via email by reaching out to bia@kincardine.ca.

Money raised from the dinner will go back towards beautification, signage and everything else to make downtown Kincardine more welcoming.

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