Home Shoreline News Kincardine moves to Open Discussions on Physician Recruitment with Saugeen Shores

Kincardine moves to Open Discussions on Physician Recruitment with Saugeen Shores

Discussions to also include the Township of Huron-Kinloss in the move for a Regional Approach to recruitment of much needed doctors to the area.



The Muncipality of Kincardine passed a motion at Monday’s council meeting to pursue discussions by the Mayor and CAO with the Town of Saugeen Shores regarding collaborating on physician recruitment.

Councillor Mike Hinchberger thinks the discussions should be expanded.

“I’m wondering if we should invite Huron-Kinloss to the party as well, in a formal manner. Just to get, among other things, they have a vested interest in this as well. They have a vested interest in it as well, especially those that live in the north-west corner of their Municipality. As well it gets them on the record of their position of the whole thing.”

Councillor Beth Blackwell likes the idea of talk to their neighbours.

“I think that building strong relationships with our neighbours is important. I also think that it does speak a little bit to the fact that healthcare is realistically a provincial priority. It is something we see across the province. We can’t solve it ourselves. I am grateful the mayor and CAO have brought this to the attention of the Province. I do think a stronger voice regionally may also help move this forward.”

Councillor Hinchberger brought to light the current doctor situations between Kincardine and Saugeen Shores and a concern he has.

“If I understand the numbers correctly, the Municipality of Kincardine has 10 doctors currently, where as Saugeen Shores has 16. I will support this but want to make sure those involved in the discussions, I feel like we have a vulnerability that as long as physicians can choose where they wish to go that we may inadvertently help Saugeen Shores widen the gap that already exists.”

The motion was carried by Council.

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