Home Shoreline News Kincardine pauses committee recruitment until review is complete

Kincardine pauses committee recruitment until review is complete



The Municipality of Kincardine won’t be filling any volunteer committee roles until an outside consultant has completed a review of how things are run.

The decision to pause recruitment was made at a meeting earlier this month. In a release, the municipality says the primary goal of the review is to identify committees that support the most pressing priorities of council, with Mayor Ken Craig adding they aren’t interested in cutting committees, but rather looking at how to make them more efficient.

There is currently openings on:

• Accessibility Advisory Committee
• Heritage Kincardine
• Fence Viewers
• Business Improvement Area (BIA)
• Kincardine Police Services Board

Though recruitment is paused until the review is completed in the new year, those interested in joining are encouraged to visit here.

You can submit your applications to the Municipal Clerk no later than 4 p.m. on Jan 6, 2023.

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