Home Shoreline News OPP & MTO remove 3 Vehicles from Service During 1-Day Commercial Vehicle...

OPP & MTO remove 3 Vehicles from Service During 1-Day Commercial Vehicle Blitz

21 vehicles inspected and resulted in 2 charges under the highway traffic act, 4 pertaining to daily & annual inspections, 1 for vehicle maintenance, 1 for CVOR and 8 warnings.



The Grey Bruce OPP and MTO hosted a 1-day commercial vehicle blitz in Georgian Bluffs and laid 16 charges.

Throughout the day 21 vehicles were inspected and resulted in 2 charges under the highway traffic act, 4 pertaining to daily & annual inspections, 1 for vehicle maintenance, 1 for CVOR and 8 warnings.

Police also removed 3 commercial vehicles from service due to major defects discovered during inspection.

Police say they remain committed to improving road safety and work with road safety partners to achieve the goal.

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