Home Shoreline News Pride Month arrives around the Region with June

Pride Month arrives around the Region with June

Celebrations are planned across the Region including Kincardine Pride set for its Parade on June 24 and a Drag Bingo on June 11th. Saugeen Shores raised its Pride Flag May 31st at the Municipal Offices.



With the arrival of June it is also the start of Pride Month.

Celebrations are planned across the Region including Kincardine Pride set for its Parade on June 24 and a Drag Bingo on June 11th.

Huron County Pride is set for its Pride Festival on June 10th for an all day celebration downtown.

In Saugeen Shores they raised their Pride Flag yesterday at the Municipal Offices.

Kincardine Pride President Fort Papalia says there is something new planned after their parade on June 24.

“For the first time we are havign an all-ages dance in teh Kincardine Pavilion from 5 to 9 o’clock with DJ Justo.”

The Kincardine Pride Parade is currently looking for volunteers to assist with marshalling and barricades at their event.

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