Home Shoreline News Saugeen Shores Police share word of Unacceptable Speeding

Saugeen Shores Police share word of Unacceptable Speeding

Story follows a similar one last month that saw Huron County OPP charge 102 drivers over Thanksgiving long-weekend. An 86% increase from 55 in the same time in 2021.



The Saugeen Shores Police Service shared a photo and story today after stopping a driver going 106km per hour.

The specific driver was caught driving at the speed in a 60km/h zone.

The Police call this an unacceptable speed and say that getting caught doing the same will get your license suspended and your vehicle impounded.

The story follows a similar one last month that saw the Huron County OPP charge 102 drivers over the Thanksgiving long-weekend.

This was a 86% increase from 55 in the same time in 2021.

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