Home Shoreline News Waterfront Master Plan returns to Kincardine council in March

Waterfront Master Plan returns to Kincardine council in March



Council received an update on the progress of their Waterfront Master Plan, and residents are most interested in improving safety along the shoreline, environmental protection and improving washroom access.

The plan is still in the preparation phase and will establish a guiding document for the waterfront area within the municipality, with a focus on the parks like MacPherson, Dunsmoor and Station Beach.

The next public outreach session on the Waterfront plan is expected to be held in the middle of February, with the consulting team looking to bring a draft of the final plan to council in March.

Councillor Bill Stewart asked why the Bluewater Trailer Park wasn’t included in the planning, considering its proximity to the shore and their lease agreement is set to expire in 2024.

“You did include the pavilion which is a separate operation too, so I’m a little confused why we included the pavilion but not the marina or the trailer park,” he says. “I’m a little disappointed, I thought the trailer park should’ve been part of the plan.”

Staff said a report on the trailer park lease would be brought back to council this year.

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