With the Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk a little over 2 weeks away on Saturday, February 22nd teams across Canada are working hard to raise money for those facing housing insecurity and homelessness. One team near the top of the leaderboard in Goderich is Bernie’s Bunch.
The team was founded by Bernice Glenn, who for the past 6 years has led a team that has been at or near the top of the leaderboard each year. Bernice says there is personal reason she has taken up the cause.
“I have a son who lives homeless on the street. The day I decided to do this I witnessed a lady, that very day, who pushed a shopping cart in Goderich. I saw her 3 times before I went to work. I knew somebody was telling me that you have got to do this.”
For more information and to find and donate to your local Coldest Night of the Year team you can visit cnoy.org and search for your community.