Home Shoreline News Bluewater District School Board Advises of Local Impact of CUPE Situation

Bluewater District School Board Advises of Local Impact of CUPE Situation

Board says that a withdrawal of services would necessitate the cancellation of extra-curricular activities and any rental permits for community events in school.



The Bluewater District School Board sent out an update to parents and guardians in regards to the Provincial negotiations currently underway between CUPE and the Ontario Government.

In it they say with the announced intent to withdraw services on Friday, the board is not certain if the withdrawal will take place. Regardless, their schools will remain open to students & staff on Friday, November 4th.

In the Bluewater Board, CUPE includes custodial & maintenance staff.

They add that CUPE staff provide essential services in local schools & board facilities. They will be closely monitoring the impact to daily operations as the situation evolves and make decisions accordingly.

Students and families can help the Board in a significant way at this time. To reduce the amount of waste in their buildings, they are asking of packing of litter-less lunches & snacks when coming to school on Friday.

They do say that a withdrawal of services would necessitate the cancellation of extra-curricular activities. In addition, all rental permits for community events in school would also be cancelled.

The Board says it will notify families immediately regarding any new development. The link for updates is below.


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