Home Shoreline News Bruce Power & its Partners make Anti-Harassment Pledge

Bruce Power & its Partners make Anti-Harassment Pledge

They say they have a shared commitment to creating and maintaining a respectful, discrimination, harassment and violence-free workplace.



Bruce Power and its supplier & union partners announced their commitment to a shared Anti-Harassment and Discrimination pledge on Pink Shirt Day today.

They say they have a commitment to creating and maintaining a respectful, discrimination, harassment and violence-free workplace.

Cathy Sprague, Executive VP of Human Resources says it is the next step in their journey of diversity, equity and inclusion and fostering a workplace that is free of violence and harassment of any kind.

The pledge includes treating people with dignity and respect, not tolerating, condoning or ignoring issues in the workplace, being a role model to raise awareness and doing something about it.

For full details of the announcement you can find the link below.
