Home Shoreline News Huron OPP advise of Bear Spotted in Goderich

Huron OPP advise of Bear Spotted in Goderich

Police offer tips on how to reduce chance of encounters & on survival



Huron County OPP and the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines & Natural Resources and Forestry is reminding residents of the following tips to reduce chances of attracting bears and what to do if you encounter one.

This comes after police responded to a bear sighting last night in Goderich.

Shortly after 9:30pm officers received a call of a bear that had climbed a tree on Krohmer Drive.

Officers reported the 150 to 175 pound bear stayed in the tree until the normally quiet street calmed down from onlookers.

Once the area was cleared by police the bear climbed out of the first tree. Soon after it climbed another tree on Suncoast Drive and Krohmer.

It eventually climbed down and departed the area last seen running eastbound down Suncoast Drive.

Tips for for reducing chances of attracting bears:

  • Putting garbage in containers with tight-fitting lids and storing in bear proof locaiton
  • Washing garbage containers frequently and disinfecting to reduce odours
  • Putting garbage out in the morning of collection not the night before
  • Keep pet food indoors
  • Remove grease & food residue from BBQ grills including grease traps after each use
  • Putting away bird feeders until the winter months
  • Turn compost regularly and keep meat, fish and sweet founds out
  • Keep meat & fish scraps in freezer until collection day
  • Picking fruit & berries from ground and from trees as they ripen

If you encounter a bear:

  • If personal safety is at risk call 911 or local police
  • Remain calm, often a bear is just passing through and will move on if no food found
  • If in a tree, leave it alone and remove other people & dogs from area
  • keep away from bear and do not block its exit
  • tell others of location and warn them to keep away, bring in children and pets
  • if near a building or car get inside as precaution
  • if it came attracted to food or garbage, remove items after bear leaves to discourage it returning
  • keep dogs on leash and away from bears
  • If you have a problem with a bear, call Bear Wise line 1-866-514-2327

If a bear approaches you:

  • Slowly back away, watching bear
  • If it approaches, do not turn and run, make noise, throw rocks or sticks and make yourself appear as big as possible
  • carry a noise making device such as whistle or air horn and use it if necessary
  • if continues to approach keep backing away slowly while acting aggressively towards the bear
  • if carrying bear repellent make sure you are familiar on how to use it and only use when bear is attacking or extremely close to you
  • bear attacks are rare but if they do attack, do not play dead unless you are sure it is a mother bear protecting her cubs
  • fighting back is the best chance of discouraging a bear from continuing to attack. Use a large stick, rock or anything else to deter it
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