Home Shoreline News Kincardine Airport to Celebrate 50th Anniversary

Kincardine Airport to Celebrate 50th Anniversary

The airport is opening its gates to the public on August 20th at 10:00am to celebrate 50 years. There is no charge for admission.



The Kincardine Municipal Airport is inviting the public to help them celebrate their 50th anniversary on August 20th at the Kincardine Airport.

The gates will open to the public at 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. on Saturday, with the display of aircrafts and vintage cars, and a brief ceremony at 11:00a.m. which will pay tribute to those who have served the airport over the past 50 years.

There is no charge for admission.

The airport manager, Stephen Rouse stated “the anniversary had to be delayed due to COVID-19” but despite that, they are thrilled to hold the celebration.

Stanley Pickles of Kincardine has been part of planning the anniversary event and has been involved with the airport for thirty years.

Pickle has provided some facts about the airport:

  • The airport is a Transport Canada registered airport located 3 kilometres north of Kincardine;
  • The airport occupies 120 acres and overlooks Lake Huron;
  • It serves as a base for sightseeing, corporate jets, air  ambulance services and recreational pilots; and
  • There are two paved runways which have a full ARCAL system and NDB and GPS LPV approaches.

For more information, visit https://www.kincardine.ca-explo/airport.