Home Shoreline News OPP Filling a Cruiser for Food Drive Next Week

OPP Filling a Cruiser for Food Drive Next Week



South Bruce OPP are keeping busy between traffic enforcement to giving back to the community whenever they can.

OPP are stepping up once again with a food drive taking place next week at Kincardine Sobeys all in support of the Kincardine Food Bank.

Officer Matt Thorpe adding in a time to give for Thanksgiving he reminds driver they’ll still be out as usual for the long weekend.

“We focus our attention when busy weekends come along and families are moving all around the province trying to get together and we see an increase of traffic and unfortunately we see an increase of collisions and speed related incidents.” said Thorpe.

OPP will be set up at Sobeys on October 5th from 10am-2pm looking to fill their cruiser with non perishable food items.

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