Home Shoreline News Owen Sound Police arrest 44-year-old after Suspicious Male Call

Owen Sound Police arrest 44-year-old after Suspicious Male Call

Officers attended a home on 29th Street West on Friday around 10 pm and after a foot chace across several blocks they were apprehended.



Owen Sound Police have arrested a 44-year-old resident after reports of a suspicious male at a home on 29th Street West on Friday around 10 pm.

Officers responded on October 20th and located the man riding a bicycle in the area.

He provided police with a false identity and was found to have two outstanding bench warrants.

Upon realizing his true identity was known, the man fled from police.

Officers were able to take him into custody in the Kelso Beach and Nawash Park area after a foot chase that spanned several blocks.

In addition to the warrants, he was also found in possession of prohibited weapons, stolen passports, id documents and a man’s watch reported stolen from Winnipeg in June.

He has been charged with 10 offences and remains in custody pending a bail hearing.