Home Shoreline News South Bruce approves Amendment to Multi-Year Funding Agreement with NWMO

South Bruce approves Amendment to Multi-Year Funding Agreement with NWMO

The budget now sits at $2.79 million dollars and can covers costs the Municipality incurs to independently assess the benefits & impacts of siting a deep geological repository in South Bruce.



The Municipality of South Bruce passed a motion approving an amendment to the Multi-Year Funding Agreement with the Nuclear Waste Management Organization.

This is the fifth amendment that has been made since it was initially approved in June of 2020.

It now includes two new items; a re-allocation of wage dollars to include a Senior Financial Planner and a carryover for unspent funds of just over $167,000.

This brings the 2023 amended budget in the agreement to $2.79 million dollars.

Resource funding provided by the NWNO through the agreement covers costs the Municipality incurs to independently assess the benefits & impacts of siting a deep geological repository in South Bruce.

It can cover such things as administrating, staffing, studies, peer reviews, learning opportunities as well as investments for community wellbeing, education and skills.

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